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Links can also be added to where desired: a minimum of 5% of any purchases completed through these links will be donated to University College Oxford's Library Fund. Adverts are divided between Old Members and current members of the College, and displayed alphabetically by surname.
Old Members & Friends
Christopher Bowden (1971)
Title: The Blue Book
Author(s): Christopher Bowden
Publisher: Langton & Wood (2007)
ISBN: 978-0-9555067-0-3
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"Fear death by water. D." The discovery of a cryptic note hidden inside a second-hand book sends thirty-something Hugh Mullion on an obsessive search for its previous owner. Hugh uncovers secrets that have lain hidden for sixty years and turn upside down his views of personal identity and the certainty of the past.
Title: The Yellow Room
Author(s): Christopher Bowden
Publisher: Langton & Wood (2009)
ISBN: 978-0-9555067-1-0
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"a rare glimpse into our recent history, far too rarely plundered by modern novelists, and deftly done." Andrew Marr
"A novel as intriguing as the house at its heart. I loved it." Julian Fellowes
When Jessica Tate finds an old country house guide in a box after her grandmother's funeral she is drawn into a mystery that has remained unsolved for over half a century and is set to change her life forever. Intrigued by the house and the family that lived there, she is propelled into a world of disappearances and deceptions, eventually unlocking the secret of the Yellow Room itself. As the shadows lift, a picture emerges of a landed family fighting to stem the decline in its fortunes in a post-war world in which Britain's own role is steadily declining..
Title: The Red House
Author(s): Christopher Bowden
Publisher: Langton & Wood (2011)
ISBN: 978-0-9555067-2-7
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"Very entertaining, cleverly constructed and expertly paced. I thoroughly enjoyed it." Sir Derek Jacobi
Her face was thinner than it used to be, tauter somehow, almost gaunt, and the eyes seemed troubled. The hair, once long and flowing, was cut roughly short. Almost hacked, he thought. Yet it was surely her...When Colin Mallory sees a sketch of a young actress he once knew on display in the local market, memories of their past together are brought back sharply to the surface. Alarmed by her distressed appearance, Colin is propelled on a search that draws him into the nightmare world of 'the group' and the sinister influence that threatens to control him too. This is an engrossing story of artifice and hidden secrets, rich with theatrical detail and a cast of compelling characters.
Sid Bradley (1957)
Title: N. F. S. Grundtvig, A Life Recalled : An Anthology of Biographical Source-Texts Translated from the Danish
Author(s): S. A. J. Bradley
Publisher: Aarhus University Press (2008)
ISBN:978 87 7288 969 6
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Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783-1872), a chief architect of Denmark’s modern identity and still an active force in Danish social, political and religious life, was an outstanding intellect of Europe’s turbulent 19th century, firmly rooted in mainstream European tradition but a stubbornly individualistic thinker - poet, hymn-writer, Anglo-Saxonist, Norse mythologist, historian, theologian, churchman, educationalist whose ideas continue to find followers around the world, champion of individual liberty, passionate promoter of Danish folkelighed, advocate of a benign and inclusive nationalism, contemporary and dialectical adversary of Søren Kierkegaard. This extensive biographical selection of Grundtvig’s own retrospects together with memoirs by contemporaries is supported by an Introduction, dateline, contextualising headnotes and a copious Index documenting the period, its personalities, ideas, institutions and events. The author is an Emeritus Professor of the University of York.
Martin Davis (1962)
Title: A Stained Glass Bible
Author(s): Martin Davis
Publisher: Self Published (2010)
ISBN: n/a
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A photobook sampling the amazingly wide range of biblical subjects to be seen in English and some French church windows. It also illustrates some of the many and varied ways in which those subjects have been represented in stained and painted glass over the ages. The photographs are accompanied by (New Jerusalem) Bible texts by way of explanation. Of course, in medieval times, it was the glass itself that told the story!
Sean Haldane (1961)
Title: Always Two - Collected Poems 1966-2009
Author(s): Sean Haldane
Publisher: Greenwich Exchange (2009)
ISBN: 978-1-906075-22-4
Buy this from Greenwich Exchange
A collection of Sean's poetry from 1966 to the present day. Robert Graves wrote in 1968: “I like Seán’s poems: clean, accurate and no nonsense - they still have the original poetic nap on them. They make sense, which is rare these days.” Martin Seymour-Smith in his Guide to Modern World Literature (1986) wrote: “His early poems ... are imaginative and always intelligent ... In later poems he has at last allowed himself to be overtly satirical (something he had previously forbidden) and to express his sense of evil. But he has sacrificed none of his lyricism. The recent poems, more dramatic than the earlier ones, are often impressive and moving.” Robert Nye wrote in The Times in 1993: “He can be sure of his place among the English poets.”
Sean will be holding a book launch at the Swedenborg Hall in London on 7th May 2009. For more information visit
Geraint Jennings (1985)
Title: Eune Collection Jèrriaise (A Jèrriais Collection)
Author(s): Geraint Jennings et al.
Publisher: La Société Jersiaise (2007)
ISBN: 0 901897 41 8
Buy this at La Société Jersiaise
Eune Collection Jèrriaise (A Jèrriais Collection)" is an anthology of literature in Jèrriais, the Jersey language. Major literary figures are represented by one text each (prose, poetry, drama) supplemented by other examples of published Jèrriais covering the period 1790s to 1980s (advertisements, letters to newspapers and religious texts). Each text (presented in the original orthography and checked against original sources) is accompanied by parallel English translation and a brief commentary giving biographical, literary, historical and linguistic context as necessary. From Guinness advertising to obituary writing, from electioneering to snuff-taking, from a voyage to the Moon to Jersey emigrants in Chicago, from country folk making black butter to a UK politician learning Jèrriais swear words: this is a book that can be dipped into for pleasure, or used in the study of Jersey language and literature.
Sara Lodge (1994)
Title: Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre (Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism series)
Author(s): Sara Lodge
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (2008)
ISBN: 978-0230518162
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Sara Lodge offers a lively introduction to the critical history of one of the most widely-studied nineteenth-century novels, from the first reviews through to present day responses. The Guide also includes sections devoted to feminist, Marxist and postcolonial criticism of Jane Eyre, as well as analysis of recent developments.
Title: Thomas Hood and nineteenth-century poetry
Author(s): Sara Lodge
Publisher: Manchester University Press (2007)
ISBN: 978-0719076268
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This is the first modern critical study of Thomas Hood, a hugely popular and influential nineteenth-century poet, editor, cartoonist, and voice of social protest. A close friend of Charles Lamb and John Hamilton Reynolds, but also acclaimed by Dickens, the Brownings, and the Rossettis, Hood bridges the years between 1820 and 1845; his quirky, accessible, diverse output offers fascinating insights for Romanticists and Victorianists alike. Lodge s lively, readable and timely study explores the relationship between Hood s playfulness, his liberal politics, and contemporary cultural debate about labour and recreation, literary materiality and urban consumption. Each chapter offers something distinctive of interdisciplinary interest. The first examines the early nineteenth-century print culture into which Hood was born and the dynamic effect of this and his dissenting heritage on his approach to language and play. The second chapter discusses Hood in the context of the London Magazine and the performative strategies he shares with Lamb, Reynolds, and other periodical colleagues: this leads naturally into a third chapter on Hood, dramatic monologue, and nineteenth-century minor theatre. The fourth chapter situates Hood s work within contemporary grotesque art and literature, investigating the traditional, urban, and political ramifications of that aesthetic, while the fifth chapter explores the cultural politics of Hood s trademark puns. The sixth chapter discusses the battle over leisure in the early nineteenth century and presents Hood s play as a critical intervention on the labour question that continues to resonate in a modern academic environment dominated by unsustainable models of productivity that undervalue play and pleasure in literary study.
Chris Mammen (1993)
Title: Using Legislative History in American Statutory Interpretation
Author(s): Christian Mammen
Publisher: Aspen (2002)
ISBN: 9789041188793
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Using Legislative History in American Statutory Interpretation examines the United States Supreme Court's actual use of legislative history in statutory interpretation, distills the theoretical issues presented by the Court's practices, then analyzes those issues in light of the arguments of several leading theorists.
The book separates the utility and usability of legislative history from theories based on legislative intention. Rather than basing an argument for using legislative history on legislative intention, it argues that legislative history conveys a certain degree of expertise and/or provides certain contextual information about the subject matter of the statute. Legislative history may also be authoritative as a matter of judicial precedent; that is, legislative history may be authoritative because judges have said so in published opinions.
The book then follows Joseph Raz and argues that the only legislative intentions that may be identified and deemed legally authoritative as a matter of general theory are minimal intentions relating to the enactment of a particular text as a legally authoritative statute within a particular legal system.
This approach--justifying the Court's discretionary use of legislative history without reference to legislative intention--accounts for and undermines most of the major objections to using legislative history, such as objections based on the theoretical problems surrounding legislative intentions, objections based on the perceived unconstitutionality of relying on legislative history, and objections based on its frequent inutility.
John Minoprio (1957)
Title: Horses & Heroes
Author(s): John Minoprio
Publisher: Swan Hill Press (1999)
ISBN: 978-1840371284
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This work is a collection of John Monoprio's personal odyssey of taking pictures of people with horses. It includes the great events of the horse world: from Badminton to Burghley, from Richmond to Windsor, from Aachen to Dublin. It also covers life with horses and behind the scenes activity.
Anthony Owen (1964)
Title: The Escapades of Mortimer Brown
Author(s): Anthony Owen.
Publisher: AJBooks, Monmouth (2006)
ISBN: 978-0954892326
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Intrigue, action and romance!! The life of a civil servant with a mundane job at the Ministry of Defence changes dramatically when a classified document gets into the wrong hands and a colleague of his is abducted. The action unfolds in England, Belgium, Morocco and France.
Chris Philp (1994)
Title: Conservative Revival: Blueprint for a Better Britain
Author(s): Chris Philp et al.
Publisher: Methuen (2006)
ISBN: 184275159X
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Using previously unpublished polling, this book diagnoses why the party has a tarnished brand and proposes a new vision for the future of the Conservative Party. The Conservative Party has suffered three consecutive general election defeats. Its standing in the opinion polls has not changed for 12 years. Clearly, the brand is damaged and a new approach is needed. Conservative Revival publishes unseen private polling that examines what went wrong and what the party must do to become electable again. The book suggests that the party's approach to candidates, communication and policy must change radically. It proposes a new vision - one to make the Conservatives electable and Britain a better place. The book will appeal to anyone interested in poiltics and the changing political map from 2006 onwards. Conservative Revival has been written by a team of young candidates who fought close seats at the last election. As such they embody the future of the party and will play a key role in determining its future direction. Contributing authors: Damian Collins, Nicky Morgan, Rob Halfon, Chris Philp, Martin McElwee, Sarah Richardson and Dominic Schofield.
Tim Salmon (1960)
Title: Schizophrenia: Who Cares?
Author(s): Tim Salmon.
Publisher: Artaxerxes Press (2010)
ISBN: 9780956507006
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or Tim's website
This is the story of my son’s twenty-year struggle with schizophrenia. It is a story that is only too familiar to those involved with this illness: periods of reasonable stability punctuated by hospital admissions, followed by discharges into the so-called community where it is never clear who is meant to be responsible for what, who will see that our sick relatives eat properly, keep themselves clean, receive the benefits they are entitled to; where it is never clear who is responsible for spotting an approaching relapse and who is going to do something about it when it happens. Will there be a hospital bed available?
I have told my story because I know it stands for all and I believe it needs to be told, for the “outside” world – and I include many professionals in that – knows little of the daily reality of living with schizophrenia.
“This impressive first-hand account of coping with a relative suffering from a serious mental illness highlights the shameful lack of proper resources available for the mentally fragile in our allegedly “caring society”. Tim Salmon’s moving and disturbing book should be read by the families of sufferers but more importantly should be compulsory reading for all those responsible for mental health welfare.”
Salley Vickers, author of Miss Garnet’s Angel and The Other Side of You
Title: The Unwritten Places
Author(s): Tim Salmon.
Publisher: Lycabettus Press (1995)
ISBN: 9607269446
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or Tim's website
A book about my wanderings in the mountains of northern Greece in the 1970s and ‘80s and in particular about my experiences among the semi-nomadic Vlach shepherds.
“He describes the remote parts of Greece beautifully, and comments hauntingly on their despoliation... Sometimes he is perhaps too disdainful about the shoddy benefits of modern civilisation... perhaps it might be better to follow this excellent book with an investigation of the mountains of southern Albania, full of Greeks and Vlachs, but empty of baths and roads... Such an investigation would test Salmon’s strong legs, stout heart and interesting brand of reactionary socialism, but these trials would be worth while if they produced more fine writing about more unwritten places.”
Tom Winnifrith, TLS, March 1996
Title: The Mountains of Greece: Trekking in the Pindhos Mountains
Author(s): Tim Salmon & Michael Cullen
Publisher: Cicerone Press (2006)
ISBN: 9781852844400
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or Tim's Website
This is a much expanded and completely re-walked edition of a book which originally appeared in 1986. Most of the routes are based on the centuries-old footpaths and mule trails that served as the country’s road system pretty much until WWII.
“Salmon and his co-author Michael Cullen both have long experience of Greek mountains... this is a book which all those who want to tackle the Greek mountains should have.”
Michael Llewellyn Smith, author of Ionian Vision and former British ambassador to Greece
Clare Sherriff
Title: Boathouses
Author(s): Clare Sherriff
Publisher: Unicorn (2008)
ISBN: 978-0906290972
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This selection of Boathouses from across the world compares examples of the building type and illustrates a wide range from primitive boat shelters to new multi-million dollar architect-designed university rowing club boathouses in the United States and United Kingdom. The core of the book describes, illustrates and maps Thames-side boathouses built from Victorian times to the 21st century and shows international influences on architectural style and decoration and the differing design criteria for domestic, club and commercial use. Also included for comparison are examples from throughout the United Kingdom of boathouses on inland lakes and country estates, showing varying degrees of sophistication from rustic to classical. This is a valuable source book and a must for anyone interested in the design and construction of waterside storage and living space for club, commercial, domestic or leisure use. The wide range of materials, cladding, roofing, finishes and colours illustrated will be useful reference for historical and conservation purposes.
Peter Sissons
Title: When One Door Closes
Author(s): Peter Sissons
Publisher: Biteback (2011)
ISBN: 978-1849540759
Buy this from Biteback and receive OM discount. Details below...
After a 45-year career spanning the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, Peter Sissons is more qualified to comment than most on the state of British media, current affairs and the world at large. Whe One Door Closes is a hugely entertaining account of the distinguished and popular career of one of television s best-known anchors. Funny, hard hitting, and savage where his feelings are strongest, Sissons has seen both the BBC and commercial television at their best and their worst, and has original and highly readable views on what he has encountered.
"An ever-revealing, funny and trenchant book from one of the finest TV journalists of his generation" Andrew Neil
The publishers have kindly agreed to offer Univ OMs a discount on this book. Contact Katy on 0207 0911 264 or at to buy it for £12 (RRP £18).
Will Sutton (1989)
Title: The Worms of Euston Square
Author(s): Wlliam Sutton
Publisher: Mercat Press (2006)
ISBN: 184183100X
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Also available
London is enjoying an era of unparalleled prosperity. The threat of terrorism hangs in the air, but the papers are full of stories of technological breakthroughs, get-rich-quick investments and scandals involving the royal family. It is 1859. When a hydraulic engine explodes at the site of the new Euston Station and a body is recovered, young police recruit, Campbell Lawless, newly arrived from Scotland, stumbles onto the trail of an elusive activist called Berwick Skelton. He learns of Skelton’s rise from humble beginnings to mix with London’s high and mighty, of his breathless love affair, and of the mysterious philanderer who has stolen his sweetheart. Aided by code-cracking librarian, Ruth Villiers, and a gang of street urchins known as the Worms, he searches for this mastermind of the underworld. Can they track him down before he unleashes a spectacular attack on those who have wronged him and his people?
Boudewyn van Oort (1961)
Title: Tjideng Reunion: A Memoir of World War II on Java
Author(s): Boudewyn van Oort
Publisher: Trafford (2008)
ISBN: 978-1425151591
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also available at
When World War II breaks out in Europe and the Nazis occupy their homeland, two Dutch families living in South Africa move to the Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia) to contribute to the defence of the colony. But two years later, they are caught up in the Pacific war, when the Japanese occupy Java, and the two men become prisoners of war. The story follows the two women, a child and a grandmother through almost four years of increasingly hellish internment in Bandoeng and Batavia. The young women have no idea of the fate of their husbands. Miraculously, both families survive and are reunited, returning to South Africa as refugeesƒonly to find that their bitter experience on Java is to give them new insight into the developments in that country. Tjideng Reunion is told against the backdrop of the dramatic political and military events that unfolded around the two families and changed the course of their lives.
Derek Wheatley (1944)
Title: The Silent Lady (Mona Lisa)
Author(s): Derek Wheatley
Publisher: Vanguard Press (2008)
ISBN: 978-1843864257
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Henry Earle lies dead on the pavement outside his house. A single gunshot in his brain. His wife, Isabel, stands dumbstruck in their hallway. It's 1961 in London and if convicted of his murder, she must face the hangman's noose. But Isabel is speechless and unable to enter a plea. Does she have a genuine medical condition or is this an attempt at deception? The story is told from the perspectives of the young barrister brought in to plead her innocence, the psychiatric doctor, the judge trying the case and the policeman. You are led through the maze of the English legal system, but does everyone come to the same conclusion? A wonderful tale with twists and turns but is there another murder on the cards and whose cards are they?
The author was a young barrister when he got the case of the real Isabel Earl who was tried at the Old Bailey charged with Capital Murder. He remained a practising barrister doing first criminal and later commercial cases, subsequently becoming a Recorder of the Crown Court and Deputy Coroner to the Royal Household. He then accepted an offer from Lloyds Bank to become its Chief Legal Advisor. As an expert on Banking Law, Derek Wheatley has written many articles for newspapers and the legal journals; this however is his first novel.
College Members
Michael Collins, Pye Fellow in Mathematics
Title: Modular Representation Theory of Finite Groups: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, May 8-15, 1998 (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics)
Author(s): Michael J. Collins, Brian J. Parshall, Leonard L. Scott (eds)
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter (2001)
ISBN: 3110163675
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This book is an outgrowth of a Research Symposium on the Modular Representation Theory of Finite Groups, held at the University of Virginia in May 1998. The main themes of this symposium were represenations of groups of Lie type in nondefining (or cross) characteristic, and recent developments in block theory. Series of lectures were given by M. Geck, A. Kleshchev and R. Rouquier, and their brief was to present material at the leading edge of research but accessible to graduate students working in the field. The first three articles are substantial expansions of their lectures, and each provides a complete account of a significant area of the subject together with an extensive bibliography. The remaining articles are based on some of the other lectures given at the symposium; some again are full surveys of the topic covered while others are short, but complete, research articles. The opportunity has been taken to produce a book of enduring value so that this is not a conference proceedings in the conventional sense. Material has been updated so that this book, through its own content and in its extensive bibliographies, will serve as a valuable resource for all those working in the area, whether established researchers or graduate students who wish to gain general knowledge of the subject starting from a single source.
Robin Darwall-Smith (1982), College Archivist
Title: A History of University College Oxford
Author(s): Robin Darwall-Smith
Publisher: Oxford University Press (2008)
ISBN: 978-0199284290
Old Members may purchase this book for the special price of £50 + p&p; a saving of 33% on the RRP. Please contact Robin Darwall-Smith, tel: 01865 276952, to order or for more information.
University College, founded with a bequest from William of Durham in 1249, lays claim to be the oldest College endowment in Oxford or Cambridge, and this is its first full-length history for over a century. Drawing extensively on the College's archives, which have not been studied in detail for decades, and many other sources, Robin Darwall-Smith tells the story of University College afresh, from when it began life as a small College of just four Fellows, permitted only to study theology, through its many changes, not least when it began to accept undergraduates in the sixteenth century, down to the present day. A College, however, is above all a community of people, and this book considers all aspects of the College's history, from its servants through to its Fellows, to give some idea of what it has meant to be a member of University College down the centuries. This is also a tale of how wider events can be reflected in one small College, be it the effects of civil and world war, or of political and religious upheavals. Readers will encounter several of the College's most famous Old Members and Fellows, including Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson, Bill Clinton, Bob Hawke, Sir William Jones, C. S. Lewis, and Percy Shelley, but often it is the people now forgotten by posterity who may emerge as the most representative and lively witnesses of their own times.
Glen Dudbridge, Shaw Professor of Chinese
Title: The Legend of Miaoshan (Oxford Oriental Monographs)
Author(s): Glen Dudbridge
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199266719
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The tale of a devout Buddhist girl who separates from her family and through suffering and death finally achieves divine status is a myth of religious celibacy, of filial piety, and of ritual salvation of the dead. It also presents a major symbol of the tension in women's lives between individual spiritual fulfilment and the imperatives of family duty. This is a new edition of the first full study of this important and influential Chinese legend.
Title: Lost books of Medieval China
Author(s): Glen Dudbridge
Publisher: London: The British Library (2000)
ISBN: 0712346880
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This series of Panizzi Lectures, delivered at the British Library in 1999, discusses the dynamics of loss and survival of books in imperial China, the role of the imperial state in manipulating book culture through classification and selective preservation, the significance of lost books as an index of superseded knowledge and values. An analysis of two specific cases demonstrates the insights to be gained through textual reconstruction, and the inadequacies of standard classification in times past and present. Medieval Chinese literature emerges as a richer, more problematic, less docile body of work than the orthodoxies of the last millennium would wish.
Title: Religious experience and lay society in T’ang China: a reading of Tai Fu’s Kuang-i chi
Author(s): Glen Dudbridge
Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1995; 2002)
ISBN: 0521893224
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The remains of Tai Fu’s lost collection Kuang-i chi (The great book of marvels) preserve three hundred short tales of encounters with the other world. This is a study of those tales, stories which give access to the lives of individuals in 8th-century China. Through the eyes of a mid-century county official emerges the picture of a complex lay society, served by a mixed priesthood of ritual practitioners, whose members’ lives at all levels were profoundly shaped by their perceived experience of contact with the other world. It was a society embarking on fundamental change, and this book uses the sharp focus of Tai Fu’s collection to study the dynamics of that change. Mixed in with reflections of ephemeral events and clear evidence of long-term continuity, it discovers signs of a transition from the beliefs and institutions of early medieval China towards those we now recognize as modern.
Jeffrey Gray, Psychology Fellow at Univ 1965-1984
Title: Consciousness: Creeping Up On the Hard Problem
Author(s): Jeffrey Gray
Publisher: Oxford University Press (2004)
ISBN: 0198520905
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How does conscious experience arise out of the functioning of the human brain? How is it related to the behaviour that it accompanies? How does the perceived world relate to the real world? Between them, these three questions constitute what is commonly know as the ‘Hard Problem’ of consciousness. Despite vast knowledge of the relationship between the brain and behaviour, and rapid advances in our knowledge of how brain activity correlates with conscious experience, the answers to all three questions remain controversial, even mysterious. This important new book analyses these core issues and reviews the evidence from both introspection and experiment. To many its conclusions will be surprising and even unsettling.
Professor Jeffrey Gray sadly passed away in 2004.
Gideon Henderson, Sollas Fellow in Geology
Title: Uranium-series Geochemistry
Author(s): Bernard Bourdon, Gideon M. Henderson, Craig C. Lundstrom, and Simon P. Turner, (eds)
Publisher: Reviews in Minerology and Geochemistry series, Volume 52 (2004)
ISBN: 0939950642
Exactly 100 years before the publication of this volume, the first paper which calculated the half-life for the newly discovered radioactive substance U-X (now called 234Th), was published. Now, in this volume, the editors Bernard Bourdon, Gideon Henderson, Craig Lundstrom and Simon Turner have integrated a group of contributors who update our knowledge of U-series geochemistry, offer an opportunity for non-specialists to understand its basic principles, and give us a view of the future of this active field of research. In this volume, for the first time, all the methods for determining the uranium and thorium decay chain nuclides in Earth materials are discussed. It was prepared in advance of a two-day short course (April 3-4, 2003) on U-series geochemistry, jointly sponsored by GS and MSA and presented in Paris, France prior to the joint EGS/AGU/EUG meeting in Nice.
Catherine Holmes, Fellow in Medieval History
Title: Basil II and the Governance of Empire (976-1025)
Author(s): Catherine Holmes
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199279683
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This is the first book-length study in English of the Byzantine emperor Basil II. Basil II, later known as 'Bulgar-slayer', is famous for his military conquests and his brutal intimidation of domestic foes. Catherine Holmes considers the problems Basil faced in governing a large, multi-ethnic empire, which stretched from southern Italy to Mesopotamia. Her close focus on the surviving historical narratives, above all the Synopsis Historion of John Skylitzes, reveals a Byzantium governed as much by persuasion as coercion. This book will appeal to those interested in Byzantium before the Crusades, the governance of pre-modern empires, and the methodology of writing early medieval political history.
Peter Jezzard, Herbert Dunhill Professor of Neuroimaging
Title: Functional MRI: An Introduction to Methods
Author(s): Peter Jezzard, Paul M Matthews, Stephen M Smith
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192630717
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This text offers a comprehensive introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI), the scanning technique which allows the mapping of active processes within the brain. The book covers all aspects of FMRI practices and principles, and is authored by an international group of FMRI experts. The book is accessible to a wide-ranging audience of research scientists interested in studying how the normal brain works, and clinicians interested in monitoring disease states and processes. This book is intended for neuroscientists, neurologists, neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, physiologists, radiologists and psychiatrists, as well as physicists, engineers and mathematicians developing FMRI methods.
Martin Matthews, Fellow and Praelector in Jurisprudence
Title: Administrative Law: Text and Materials
Author(s): Mark Elliott
Consultant editors: Sir Jack Beatson and Martin Matthews
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 019926998X
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Beatson, Matthews and Elliott's Administrative Law - Text and Materials combines carefully selected extracts from key cases, articles and other sources with detailed commentary. Aimed at undergraduates studying administrative law, it provides comprehensive coverage of the subject with a particular emphasis on judicial review, bringing together in one volume the best features of a textbook and a casebook. By exposing readers to a wide range of primary sources and providing clear explanations of their impact and significance, the book provides an integrated treatment of administrative law which allows students to gain a wide- ranging knowledge of this area, while engaging with the issues in depth.
Jon Mee, Former Margaret Candfield Fellow in English
Title: Romanticism, Enthusiasm, and Regulation: Poetics and the Policing of Culture in the Romantic Period
Author(s): Jon Mee
Publisher: Oxford University Press (2003)
ISBN: 0198187572
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What is enthusiasm? Enthusiasm for most of the eighteenth century was identified with excess of religious feeling, although it came increasingly to be used to describe the unregulated and infectious urgings of the crowd more generally. Yet there was a developing alternative understanding of the term which identified it with a therapeutic influx of feeling in an increasingly formalistic and commodified world. This understanding came to be particularly identified with poetry. Enthusiasm was deemed a necessary condition of poetry by the end of the century, but not a sufficient one. For without proper regulation, poetic enthusiasm might become nothing more than the formless emotionalism of the crowd that the literary elite perceived all around them. Although enthusiasm might be thought of as a distinctly Romantic term, this study looks at the way the inherited discourse of enthusiasm structured most writing of the Romantic period. Many of those new to writing as a career in the period took enthusiasm to license their feelings as a legitimate basis for turning to print. Others took this as an alarming version of the old virus. A few elite writers, Coleridge and Wordsworth included, did not take pains to show they were on the right side of the fence that separated the noble enthusiasm of the poet from either the fanaticism of the crowd or the undisciplined pretensions of hacks and scribblers. Understanding the influence of these processes of regulation and the difficulty faced by writers in clearly articulating the difference they were meant to enshrine is at the centre of Romanticism, Enthusiasm, and Regulation.
Title: The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1740-1832
Author(s): Thomas Keymer and Jon Mee (eds)
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (2004)
ISBN: 0521007577
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This volume offers an introduction to British literature that challenges the traditional divide between eighteenth-century and Romantic studies. Contributors explore the development of literary genres and modes through a period of rapid change. They show how literature was shaped by historical factors including the development of the book trade, the rise of literary criticism and the expansion of commercial society and empire. The first part of the volume focuses on broad themes including taste and aesthetics, national identity and empire, and key cultural trends such as sensibility and the gothic. The second part pays close attention to the work of individual writers including Sterne, Blake, Barbauld and Austen, and to the role of literary schools such as the Lake and Cockney schools. The wide scope of the collection, juxtaposing canonical authors with those now gaining new attention from scholars, makes it essential reading for students of eighteenth-century literature and Romanticism.
Leslie Mitchell, Emeritus Fellow in History
Title: The Whig World
Author(s): Leslie Mitchell
Publisher: Hambledon & London Ltd
ISBN: 1852854561
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The Whigs were one of the two great English political parties in the 150 years after 1700, far more often in office than their arch-rivals the Tories. Yet the Whigs were much more than simply a group of politicians. An exclusive set, composed of the greatest and wealthiest families, the Whig world was a self-contained and small one, impervious to outside criticism. With members such as Charles James Fox, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire and Lord Byron, its gambling, loose-living, drinking and wit were notorious. The Whig World is a portrait, of which politics forms only a small part, of an extraordinary group of men and women whose power, taste and intellect dominated the centre of what had become the greatest power in the world. Cosmopolitan, urban, sophisticated, sceptical and promiscuous, the Whigs numbered far more brilliant conversationalists and controversialists amongst their number than the Bloomsbury Group.
Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann, Emeritus Professor of Modern History
Title: In Tiefste Afrika; Paul Pogge
Author(s): Professor Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann
This book is about two expeditions Paul Pogge undertook in Central Africa into the Southern Congo basin, the first between 1874 and 1876 and the second between 1880 and 1884. He was the first European to reach these areas. On his first journey, his co-explorers fell ill and dropped out and he stayed for over four months in the Lunda empire, in the residence of an African prince. His observations of customs and laws - Pogge had studied law - tells us a lot about this unknown ethnicity. His diaries make interesting reading and are re-published in this book. On his second journey into the Congo basin which he undertook boith Hermann Wissmann he travelled as far as the Eastern Congo. For most of his second journey Pogge and Wissmann travelled together with an African king, called Kalamba Mukenge. The two white leaders parted company once they had reached the Eastern Congo. Hermann Wissmann crossed Tanganyika to reach the Indian Ocean. Paul Pogge returned, as promised, to Kalamba Mukenge’s residence to build an agricultural research station there. As no further financial support was forthcoming, he left his research station after a year and walked back to Luanda in Angola. On his march to the coast he met up with Wissmann who had returned to Africa but this time in the service of the Belgian King who wanted to build up his own African empire in the Congo-area. After this dramatic encounter Pogge eventually reached Luanda, weakened and exhausted. He died of pneumonia before he was able to set sail for Europe. Pogge was one of the most successful German explorers in Africa. He pioneered the small expedition which relied for its success on negotiating and bargaining with Africans rather than on using force. There is a monument dedicated to him in Luanda and a statue in Rostock / Mecklenberg.
Bill Roscoe, Professor of Computer Science
Title: Theory and Practice of Concurrency
Author(s): Bill Roscoe
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0136744095
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Since the introduction of Hoares' Communicating Sequential Processes notation, powerful new tools have transformed CSP into a practical way of describing industrial-sized problems. This book gives you the fundamental grasp of CSP concepts you'll need to take advantage of those tools. Part I provides a detailed foundation for working with CSP, using as little mathematics as possible. It introduces the ideas behind operational, denotational and algebraic models of CSP. Parts II and III go into greater detail about theory and practice. Topics include: parallel operators, hiding and renaming, piping and enslavement, buffers and communication, termination and sequencing, and semantic theory. Three detailed practical case studies are also presented. For anyone interested in modelling sequential processes.
Title: Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols
Author(s): S. A. Schneider, Bill Roscoe, M. H. Goldsmith, P. Y. A. Ryan, Gavin Lowe, G. Lowe
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0201674718
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A thorough and detailed explanation of the most common and effective approaches to the design and analysis of security critical systems. Describes the role of security protocols, exposing their strengths and weaknesses. Covers each different kind of protocol in detail, touching on key concepts such as confidentiality and integrity.
Marc Stears, Fellow in Politics
Title: Progressives, Pluralists and the Problems of the State: Ideologies of Reform in the United States and Britain
Author(s): Dr Marc Stears
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198296762
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In the first three decades of the twentieth century, two groups of radical political theorists-one American and one British-were bound together in a unique ideological relationship. Pluralists, Progressives, and the Problems of the State provides the first comprehensive examination of the intellectual dialogue that constituted that bond. Drawing on extensive original archival research and employing conceptual, institutional and historical analysis, the book examines the efforts of these two initially distinctive political movements to forge a single ideology capable of motivating far-reaching reform in both of their countries. In so doing it challenges traditional narratives emphasizing the exceptional development of American progressivism and British socialism, arguing instead that the intellectual aspirations and political programmes of both were constantly shaped and reshaped by international ideological exchange. Such an analysis transforms our understanding of the complex political demands of these movements and enables the works of their leading protagonists, including G.D. H. Cole, Herbert Croly, Harold Laski, and Walter Lippmann, to emerge as rich and sophisticated contributions to modern political thought.
Tiffany Stern, Beaverbrook and Bouverie Fellow in English
Title: Documents of Performance in Early Modern England
Author(s): Tiffany Stern
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (2009)
ISBN: 978-0521842372
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As well as ‘play-makers’ and ‘poets’, playwrights of the early modern period were known as ‘play-patchers’ because their texts were made from separate documents. This book is the first to consider all the papers created by authors and theatres by the time of the opening performance, recovering types of script not previously known to have existed. With chapters on plot-scenarios, arguments, playbills, prologues and epilogues, songs, staged scrolls, backstage-plots and parts, it shows how textually distinct production was from any single unified book. And, as performance documents were easily lost, relegated or reused, the story of a play’s patchy creation also becomes the story of its co-authorship, cuts, revisions and additions. Using a large body of fresh evidence, Documents of Performance brings a wholly new reading of printed and manuscript playbooks of the Shakespearean period, redefining what a play, and what a playwright, actually is.
Title: Shakespeare in Parts
Author(s): Tiffany Stern
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (2007)
ISBN: 978-0199272051
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A truly groundbreaking collaboration of original theatre history with exciting literary criticism, Shakespeare in Parts is the first book fully to explore the original form in which Shakespeare's drama overwhelmingly circulated. This was not the full play-text; it was not the public performance. It was the actor's part, consisting of the bare cues and speeches of each individual role. With group rehearsals rare or non-existent, the cued part alone had to furnish the actor with his character. But each such part-text was riddled with gaps and uncertainties. The actor knew what he was going to say, but not necessarily when, or why, or to whom; he may have known next to nothing of any other part. It demanded the most sensitive attention to the opportunities inscribed in the script, and to the ongoing dramatic moment. Here is where the young actor Shakespeare learnt his trade; here is where his imagination, verbal and technical, learnt to roam. This is the story of Shakespeare in Parts. As Shakespeare developed his playwriting, the apparent limitations of the medium get transformed into expressive opportunities. Both cue and speech become promise-crammed repositories of meaning and movement, and of individually discoverable space and time. Writing always for the same core group of players, Shakespeare could take - and insist upon - unprecedented risks. The result is onstage drama of astonishing immediacy. Starting with a comprehensive history of the part in early modern theatre, Simon Palfrey and Tiffany Stern's mould-altering work of historical and imaginative recovery provides a unique keyhole onto hitherto forgotten practices and techniques. It not only discovers a newly active, choice-ridden actor, but a new Shakespeare.

Title: Rehearsal from Shakespeare to Sheridan
Author(s): Tiffany Stern
Publisher: Oxford: Clarendon Press (2000)
ISBN: 0198186819
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Up until now, facts about theatrical rehearsal have been considered irrecoverable. But this groundbreaking study gathers together two centuries' worth of historical material that shows how actors received and responded to their parts, and how rehearsal affected the creation and revision of plays. Plotting theatrical change over time, from the mid-sixteenth to the late eighteenth century, this book revolutionizes the fields of textual and theatre history alike.
Title: Making Shakespeare: From Page to Stage
Author(s): Tiffany Stern
Publisher: Routledge (2004)
ISBN: 041531965X
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Making Shakespeare reveals how London, the theatre, the actors and the way in which the plays were written and printed all affect the 'Shakespeare' that we now read. Concentrating on the instability and fluidity of Shakespeare's texts, the book discusses what happened to a manuscript between its first composition, its performance on stage and its printing, and identifies traces of the production system in the plays we read. It argues that the versions of Shakespeare that have come down to us have inevitably been formed by the contexts from which they emerged, being shaped by, for example, the way actors received and responded to their lines, the props and music used in the theatre, or the continual revision of plays by the playhouses and printers. A clear and accessible read, this book will allow even those with no expert knowledge to begin to contextualize Shakespeare's plays for themselves, in ways both old and new.
Ngaire Woods, Old Members' Fellow in Politics
Title: The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers
Author(s): Ngaire Woods, Old Members' Fellow in Politics
Publisher: Cornell University Press (April 2006)
ISBN: 0801444241
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The greatest success of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank has been as globalizers. But at whose cost? Would borrowing countries be better off without the IMF and World Bank? This book takes readers inside these institutions and the governments they work with. Ngaire Woods brilliantly decodes what they do and why they do it, using original research, extensive interviews carried out across many countries and institutions, and scholarship from the fields of economics, law, and politics. The Globalizers focuses on both the political context of IMF and World Bank actions and their impact on the countries in which they intervene. After describing the important debates between U.S. planners and the Allies in the 1944 foundation at Bretton Woods, she analyzes understandings of their missions over the last quarter century. She traces the impact of the Bank and the Fund in the recent economic history of Mexico, of post-Soviet Russia, and in the independent states of Africa. Woods concludes by proposing a range of reforms that would make the World Bank and the IMF more effective, equitable, and just.
Title: The Politcal Economy of Globalisation
Author(s): Ngaire Woods, Old Members' Fellow in Politics
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (2000)
ISBN: 0333776453
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Although investment patterns are being transformed, a global civil society is emerging, and governments are losing control of national currencies, the contributions in this book make it clear that globalization does not prohibit strong governments from maintaining a welfare state and good working conditions and co-operating to manage the flow of goods, money, people, and problems across borders.
Title: Inequality, Globalization and World Politics
Author(s): Ngaire Woods, Old Members' Fellow in Politics
Publisher: Oxford University Press (1999)
ISBN: 0198295669
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Inequality is becoming an urgent issue of world politics at the end of the twentieth century. Globalization is not only exacerbating the gap between rich and poor in the world but is also further dividing those states and peoples that have political power and influence from those without. While the powerful shape more 'global' rules and norms about investment, military security, environmental and social policy and the like, the less powerful are becoming 'rule-takers', often of rules or norms they cannot or will not enforce. The consequences for world politics are profound. The evidence presented in Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics suggests that globalization is creating sharper, more urgent problems for states and international institutions to deal with. Yet at the same time, investigations into eight core areas of world politics suggest that growing inequality is reducing the capacity of governments and existing international organizations to manage these problems effectively. The eight areas surveyed include: international order, international law, welfare and social policy, global justice, regionalism and multilateralism, environmental protection, gender equality, military power, and security.
Title: Explaining International Relations Since 1945
Author(s): Ngaire Woods, Old Members' Fellow in Politics
Publisher: Oxford University Press (1996)
ISBN: 0198741952
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History and theory are all too often treated as separate approaches to international relations. This book offers an accessible synthesis of sophisticated theory and in-depth history. The uses of theory are examined in the opening section which includes a defence of the historical method by John Lewis Gaddis and the arguments for a more scientific method by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. The subsequent chapters of the book take major issues and episodes in international relations since 1945 (such as the rise of Japan, change in Latin America, wars in the Middle East, and decolonization) and demonstrate how it is that particular theories assist in explaining them. These include theories of power, cooperation, alliances, empire, integration, and arms control. The student is left with a nuanced view of history and a critical but constructive approach to theories of international relations. The book challenges both students and academics to think afresh about the ways they analyse international relations. This book is intended for students and scholars of international relations, diplomacy, strategic studies, international history; journalists working in these areas.
Oliver Zimmer, Fellow in History
Title: Power and the Nation in European History
Author(s): Oliver Zimmer and Len Scales
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521608309
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Few would doubt the central importance of the nation in the making and unmaking of modern political communities. The long history of ‘the nation’ as a concept and as a name for various sorts of ‘imagined community’ likewise commands such acceptance. But when did the nation first become a fundamental political factor? This is a question which has been, and continues to be, far more sharply contested. A deep rift still separates ‘modernist’ perspectives, which view the political nation as a phenomenon limited to modern, industrialised societies, from the views of scholars concerned with the pre-industrial world who insist, often vehemently, that nations were central to pre-modern political life also. This book represents the first attempt to engage with these questions by drawing on the expertise of leading medieval, early modern and modern historians.
Adrian Zuckerman, Professor and Goodman Fellow in Jurisprudence
Title: Zuckerman on Civil Procedure, Principles of Practice
Author(s): Adrian Zuckerman
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd (2006)
ISBN: 0 421 919108
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Civil Procedure - Principles of Practice, provides a coherent and detailed account of litigation under the Civil Procedure Rules system. It helps practitioners understand how the courts interpret and apply the Rules, the principles that govern the exercise of judicial discretion, how judges exercise their extensive case management powers and what these mean for the conduct of litigation. The features are: presents a clear and thematic analysis of the law of civil procedure; helps practitioners understand the relationship between individual Rules and general principles; complements "The White Book" and other civil procedure manuals; explains the significance of leading cases; highlights current trends in judicial thinking; draws attention to inconsistencies and problems that are likely to be encountered in practice - and suggests solutions; and supplies authoritative analysis - the first edition has been cited in many Court of Appeal cases.

Title: Criminal Evidence (Clarendon Law Series)
Author(s): Paul Roberts, Adrian Zuckerman
Publisher: Oxford University Press (2004)
ISBN: 0198764979
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Based on Adrian Zuckerman's Principles of Criminal Evidence, this new book offers a critical commentary on the main rules and principles regulating the admission of evidence in English criminal proceedings. Existing legal rules are placed in their theoretical, institutional, procedural, and broader criminal justice context, and reform options are systematically canvassed and examined. Thoroughly revised and updated to take into account all the doctrinal developments over the last fourteen years, Roberts and Zuckerman cover all the major changes relating to the presumption of innocence, privilege against self-incrimination, hearsay, character, and the law of corroboration. The book also fully integrates the European Convention of Human Rights and post HRA developments to date. Its engaging and accessible style and increased emphasis on the moral and political foundations of evidentiary rules will interest Evidence scholars, students, and teachers throughout the common law world and beyond.
Title: Civil Procedure
Author(s): Adrian Zuckerman
Publisher: LexisNexis (2003)
ISBN: 0406948984
This new work provides a coherent and detailed account of the CPR system intended to facilitate a thorough understanding of how the courts interpret and apply the rules, the principles that govern the exercise of judicial discretion in the light of the overriding objective, how judges exercise their extensive case management powers and what this means for the conduct of litigation. The work complements The White Book and The Civil Court Practice (Green Book), outlining the significance of leading cases, highlighting current trends in judicial thinking and suggesting solutions to problems which have no clear authoritative or satisfactory answer. The text is organised for easy subject-orientated access to the various aspects of civil litigation and is therefore a vital source of reference for today's busy practitioner. Since its publication, the book has acquired considerable stature and is regularly cited in judgments give in the higher courts.
Title: Civil Justice in Crisis: Comparative Perspectives of Civil Procedure
Author(s): Adrian Zuckerman (ed)
Publisher: Oxford University Press (1999)
ISBN: 0198298331
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A sense of crisis in the administration of civil justice is present in many countries. Delays and high costs render access to the civil courts either useless or prohibitively expensive or both. The crisis takes different forms. In some jurisdictions the problems lie in high and unpredictable costs but in others there are overcrowded courts and exorbitant delays. Those interested in civil justice will be familiar with their own system but they will seldom have knowledge of other systems and these essays, written by leading experts in the field, survey different systems of civil justice from other jurisdictions. An understanding of other systems will enrich the reform discussions in which each country by drawing attention to common problems, to their roots, to the solutions tried and, above all, to the consequences (for better or for worse) of reform. Civil Justice in Crisis shows that we can learn from others' success but that we may find their failures even more instructive.
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