Browse through a selection of Univ or Oxford related merchandise. Please note that Univ is not responsible for the sale of the products listed here, unless otherwise stated.
Prints and paintings
Virtual Archive
Virtual Archive contributes a percentage of the sales of Univ prints to the College.
Contemporary Watercolours
Jane Carpanini's three prints of Univ are available from Contemporary Watercolours. The cost is £99 each, £179 for two or £255 for all three.
Alumni Prints
Sir Hugh Casson's print of the Fellow's Garden may be ordered from Alumni Prints. The prints are signed and numbered by the artist and priced at £87.50 including worldwide delivery.
Artists' Oxford
Artists' Oxford is an anthology of nine artists' work and contains 51 colour plates and featuring colleges and university scenes familiar to all.
Oxford College Barges: their History and Architecture
Clare Sherriff's 128-page publication The Oxford College Barges: their History and Architecture is available from the publishers Unicorn Press. Hardback with colour jacket, 15 colour illustrations and over 60 sepia and b&w photographs. ISBN 1 906290 71 6.
Clothing and Memorabilia
Walters of Oxford
In association with Walters of Oxford, we can offer a range of Univ ties, clothing and other memorabilia. Walters Order Form
Please email the Development Team with any suggestions of other Univ or Oxford related merchandise that might be added to this webpage (we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so though!).