Degree Days

The dates of forthcoming Degree Days are provided below and are usually also listed at the back of the College Record. Candidates are asked to give at least 28 days' notice of their intention to collect their degree(s).

The University imposes a strict quota on the number of graduands that can be presented at any one degree ceremony, so it is important to arrange this in good time (this quota does not apply to those taking degrees in absence). Some dates are very popular, and therefore unless you make application well in advance, it is possible that you will be asked to accept another less heavily subscribed date.

Applications must be in writing to Mrs Jane Vicat, using the form at the bottom of this page. Applications cannot be accepted or places reserved over the telephone.

Forthcoming dates

The dates of forthcoming Degree Ceremonies are available in the following document. Ceremonies  take place in the Sheldonian Theatre unless otherwise stated. Cereomonies start at 11 a.m. All Graduands should be at Univ by 9.30 am.

Forthcoming Dates


Degree Day Information

Prior to making your degree day application please read the document below. It includes full information on the ceremony, instructions, and further information about obtaining degree transcripts.

Degree Days Information Form

How to Apply

Once you have read the instructions in the Degree Day Information document, please download and complete the application form below and return it to Jane Vicat at the following address: University College, High St, Oxford, OX1 4BH, United Kingdom.

Degree Days Application Form

1. Check with the Treasury that your battels are clear - 01865 276616.
2. Remember to telephone the Head Porter two weeks before the ceremony to order your gown - 01865 276602. If you are late in doing this, you may risk a gown not being available.
3. If appropriate, attach your cheque(s) for: the MA degree; guest tickets to the lunch/reception if required; and the Porters’ Vail.


If you would like any further information about degree days, please contact  Mrs Jane Vicat

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