Subject Reunions
Subject reunions invite Old Members back to College in their subject groups (and occasionally profession) together with tutors and students. The programme includes a talk by a Univ Fellow and we aim for each group to meet at least every three years, so that most students have a chance to attend one during their studies (geologists meet annually and lawyers convene in London in the years between dinners):
Beveridge Society For all current and former students and tutors of PPE, Philosophy, Economics, Geography, Politics, IR, Management, Social Studies, Theology and Education. |
Boyle Society For all current and former students and tutors of Physics and Engineering. |
Chemistry & Life Sciences For all current and former students and tutors of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Biology and Anthropology. |
Classics For all current and former students and tutors of Classics, Archaeology and Oriental Studies. |
Eldon Society For all current and former students and tutors of Law and also legal professionals. |
English & the Arts For all current and former students and tutors of English, Art and Music. |
History Society For all current and former students and tutors of History, the Colonial Service Course and the Foreign Services Programme. |
Maths & Computer Sciences For all current and former students and tutors of Maths and Computer Science. |
Medical Sciences For all current and former students and tutors of Medical Sciences, PPP, Physiology and Psychology and also medical professionals. |
Sollas Society Dinner Jacket & tie dinner for all current and former students and tutors of Earth Sciences (Geology) and their partners. |
Please click here for information about Degree Days. If you would like further information about our full events programme, please contact The Development Team.